Welcome to Remote Art Class with Mr. Giannetto
2021-2022 School Year
Scroll down to view art projects and resources for Week 5.

Paper Flower Craft
Materials: construction paper, pencil, scissors, glue, paper tube, paint, q-tips
Step 1: Use a paper tube to stamp circles onto blue paper. If paint is not available use a blue crayon to draw circles on the paper.
Step 2: Begin to make your paper circles. These will be the center of the flower and the petals. Use a small cup to trace 6-8 circles for the petals. Make one extra circle that will become the center of the flower.
Step 3: Cut out the circles and fold 6-8 circles in half to make the petals.
Step 4: Glue on one circle for the center of the flower. Glue the folded circles to create each petal.
Step 5: Add details to your project including a stem, leaves, and soil. If you wish to have the leaves pop up, fold green paper in half and draw half of the leaf on the fold. When you cut it out you will have a complete leaf.
Step 6: Use a q-tip to paint seeds inside the center of the flower. If paint is not available use markers or crayons.
Talk About Art: How many circles do you see in your artwork? What does your flower need in order to grow? Can you spot any flowers like this in your yard or neighborhood?
Model Magic Clay
Flowers with Pipe Cleaners
I have created numerous art lessons on the educational website Mr. Giannetto for Fantastic Fun and Learning which can be an additional art resource for you. The art activities can be adapted and modified for your child's age and ability level. This creative play art activity combines air dry clay and pipe cleaners and is great for fine motor skill development. Give it a try!