Welcome Back to Art Class with
Mr. G!
Remote Art Class Reminders
1. Gather your art supplies before class begins.
2. Find a quiet place to log on.
3. Arrive on time.
4. Greet Mr. G with a HELLO!
5. Mute your microphone.
6. Be attentive to the instructions and follow along.
7. Review Mr G's website if you missed a Google Meet or need to review directions in detail.
8. Try your best!
9. Have fun!
10. Remember you are an ARTIST and Mr. G is proud of you!
Please reach out to Mr. G if you have any questions or concerns.
Mr. Giannetto's email is vgiannetto@burltwpsch.org
This week you will have a Google Meet with Mr. G everyday! Please use the supplies you have available at home. Here is the schedule for the week:
Directed Drawing-Draw a Reindeer
Suggested materials: pencil, markers, crayons, white paper
Tuesday and Wednesday:
Artwork based on the book Snowmen At Night

Suggested materials: colorful paper, white paper, scissors, glue, pencil, crayons
Folder Paper Winter Owls

Suggested materials: colorful paper, glue, scissors
Build a Found Object Snowman

Suggested materials: household items
Additional Art Projects
Art on Your Own
These are optional art activities to complete if you wish in the afternoons this week.
Below there are 2 Cactus Art Lessons to complete this week: Cactus Friends and Pop Up Desert Cactus. Please use whatever art materials you have available at home! Have fun!
1st Grade Project 1: Cactus Friends
Below there are options to use crayons/markers or watercolor paint/tempera paint. It's your choice.
You have all week to complete this art project. Work a bit each day.
Materials: pencil,paper, markers, crayons
Optional Materials: Watercolor paint or tempera paint, brush
Cactus Facts for Kids
1. A cactus is a succulent.
2. A cactus stores water in its stems, roots, and leaves.
3. A cactus can live without water for one year!
4. A cactus likes hot weather and dry, rocky soil.
5. Be careful! A cactus has sharp spines!
Step by Step Directions:
1. Draw a pot and begin to draw the cactus.
2. Add the arms to the cactus and various stems. Draw the sharp spines on the cactus. Add details to the pot
If you are using paint please paint your cactus green. Paint the pot any color you wish. After the the paint dries use markers to trace and add details to your work and continue with the directions below.
Step 5: Add a face to the cactus. How is the cactus feeling? Draw different types of lines in the background. Draw straight, curved, zig zag, spiral, and loop lines. Create a pattern if you wish.
Step 6: Color your artwork.
Extend this Art Activity
Identify the different types of lines and patterns in your work.
Describe how your cactus friend is feeling. Give him or her a name.
In our Google Classroom Mr. G recorded a How to Draw a Cactus Friend video.Watch, listen, and draw more cactus friends along with Mr. G!
In our Google Classroom I also added a recorded video of Mr. G drawing a Snowman Cactus. Watch, listen, and draw along with me.
1st Grade Project 2: Pop Up Desert Cactus
Cactus Facts for Kids
1. A cactus is a succulent.
2. A cactus stores water in its stems, roots, and leaves.
3. A cactus can live without water for one year!
4. A cactus likes hot weather and dry, rocky soil.
5. Be careful! A cactus has sharp spines!
Materials: construction paper, glue, scissors
Step by Step Directions
1. Rip brown or tan paper to make the sand of the desert. Glue the pieces to the bottom of a piece of paper.
2. Cut out a large circle and glue in the sky for a sun.
3. Cut strips of green paper for the cactus. Glue one end down and bend the other end down so the stem pops up from the paper. Add more.
4. Add details to the cactus. Draw the spines and flowers.
Additional Art Activities: Line Review
Visit our Google Classroom to watch a recorded video of Mr. G reading the book Roller Coaster. Listen and draw along with Mr. G.